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7132 HotelVals Grisons
Accademia del GustoZürich Zurich
B2 Boutique Hotel + SpaZürich Zurich
Backstage Hotel VernissageZermatt Valais
Berghaus AlpenrösliKlosters-Serneus Grisons
BlattenZermatt Valais
CarcaniAscona Ticino
Carlton Hotel St. MoritzSt. Moritz Grisons
Cervo Mountain ResortZermatt Valais
Château d'OuchyLausanne-Ouchy Geneva (Lake Geneva)
Chez DonatiBasel Basel
Chez VronyZermatt Valais
Coeur des AlpesZermatt Valais
Da EnzoTegna Ticino
Dal MulinSt. Moritz Grisons
Der TeufelhofBasel Basel
Domaine de ChâteauvieuxSatigny Geneva (Lake Geneva)
Drei StubenZürich Zurich
EastwestGenève Geneva (Lake Geneva)
Eden RocAscona Ticino
Fattoria L'AmorosaSementina Ticino
Four Seasons Hotel des BerguesGenève Geneva (Lake Geneva)
Gasthaus AdlerFläsch Grisons
Gasthaus zum GupfRehetobel Eastern Switzerland
Giardino AsconaAscona Ticino
Giardino LagoMinusio Ticino
Giardino MountainSt. Moritz Grisons
Grand Hotel du LacVevey Geneva (Lake Geneva)
Grand Hotel KronenhofPontresina Grisons
Grand Resort Bad RagazBad Ragaz Eastern Switzerland
Guarda ValLenzerheide / Lai Grisons
HelvetiaZürich Zurich
Huus GstaadSaanen Berner Oberland
In Lain Hotel CadonauBrail Grisons
Kulm Hotel St. MoritzSt. Moritz Grisons
La Réserve Eden au Lac ZurichZürich Zurich
Landgasthof AdlerRied (Muotathal) Central Switzerland
Le GitanZermatt Valais
Le Grand BellevueGstaad Berner Oberland
Lenkerhof Gourmet Spa ResortLenk Berner Oberland
MurtarölPlaun da Lej Grisons
Old Swiss HouseLuzern Central Switzerland
Paradiso St. MoritzSt. Moritz Grisons
Park Hotel VitznauVitznau Central Switzerland
Restaurant StuckiBasel Basel
Rico'sKüsnacht Zurich
Riffelalp ResortZermatt Valais
RössliZürich Zurich
SchäferstubeZermatt Valais
Schloss SchauensteinFürstenau Grisons
Schlosshotel ChastèTarasp Grisons
SchlüsselBeckenried Central Switzerland
Stazione da AgneseIntragna Ticino
Stiva VegliaSchnaus Grisons
Talvo by DalsassSt. Moritz-Champfér Grisons
The Alpina GstaadGstaad Berner Oberland
The Chedi AndermattAndermatt Central Switzerland
The Dolder GrandZürich Zurich
The OmniaZermatt Valais
TruubeGais Eastern Switzerland
Tschuggen Grand HotelArosa Grisons
Unique Hotel PostZermatt Valais
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